Toronto’s Latin Sensation GabyBoy :Interview

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Inspired by his father's passion for music GabyBoy is taking notes on how to impact the industry on a global scale. With heritage from Ecuador and Bolivia he is proudly South American and makes music that is definitely a latin party vibe. Although he grew up in Toronto, he will never forget his roots and culture as he is embraced by the latin community. Seeing the power of music and how it can have an audience tap into their feelings, was more than enough to hook GabyBoy into songwriting. With much persistence he plans to build his brand to a level where he can feature with the reggaeton superstar Daddy Yankee. Above all Gabyboy promises to keep bringing energetic music to the masses. One of his main sources of joy is to see others dancing and enjoying music similar to how he felt watching his father growing up. Music doesn't just mean fans for him, music means family.

What first got you into music?

What first got me into music was seeing my father's passion for it since I was born. He was already a well known personality in the Toronto Latin community for his music. He brought me to all of his shows and I watched him win countless competitions! One day I started singing with him and eventually began performing on my own, but he has been the motivator and enabler for my music career.

What is your creative process like?

My creative process usually begins with a catchy sound that pops in my head and then I put words to it. I then have that sound created into a beat and then it's me in my batcave with headphones adding words to the instrumental. Pumping it with different forms of energy in the verses is my favourite part, there are infinite ways to accent a song using lyrics and flow.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

Again, Daddy Yankee, but back when I was 8 years old I opened for Don Omar at the Docks (Rebel Nightclub before it was Rebel). Don Omar was also very influential in the early days of mainstream reggaeton and I'll never forget how awesome it was meeting him!

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

Of course, I think everyone sang in the shower at least once in their lives! And if you're reading and you haven't DO IT. I typically sing a long to whatever song I have playing in the bathroom as I'm showering. Yea that's right I do a whole concert in the shower. With my music on shuffle I can give you Nicky Jam, Vengaboys, and Jonas Brothers in a span of 10 minutes.

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

I'd be acting more which is what I'm also doing. I've had the pleasure of working a stunt role on a hit Youtube show called "Wayne". During its release my face was plastered all over Youtube so that was a fun week!

Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues? 

One of my favorite venues has got to be the Belasco NightClub in Los Angeles. It was a dope stage with a full house. Performing for a sea of people and glowsticks is INCREDIBLE!

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Do you have any upcoming shows?

I wish I did, but as of now thanks to the pandemic everything has been on pause but that gives us artists a chance to truly get creative with our endeavors!

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

I believe it's a double-edged sword, but it is ultimately better for consumers. Anyone can now create, promote, and place themselves on the same platforms as all the top artists. This creates an abundance of artists and content which makes for a crowded business. Which some can see as a downside, but why not look at it as the extra incentive to truly stand out among the hundreds of artists coming out everyday?

What is your favorite song to perform?

I LOVE performing Sacude. Every time I perform it there is always at least one person who starts shaking their booty and it's the best feeling ever! Go check out the song and see how long before you start soft-twerking.

What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

Oooo most trouble? Hmmm... honestly it's probably when I got a bad grade on a test. But I was such a dork as a kid that I actually grounded MYSELF. I always had that self-discipline.

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

The "NO TENSION RULE". If you don't have any problems, there is no tension. If you have a problem and can attain the solution, there is no tension. If you have a problem and it is impossible to attain the solution, there is no tension. Live without tension.

 If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

I would make it impossible to buy followers and streams. Everything else can continue evolving naturally as technology advances.

What’s next for you?

More music! More video content, more victories that I can share with the people that support me!


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