Borelson Pulls From Energy and Environment to Create Bold Art

Borelson is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Toronto. Born and raised in a multi-lingual and multi-cultural environment in Central Africa (Gabon & Congo), he then went on to spend some years in France following some disruptive events, before relocating to Canada.

What first got you into music?

It came as a natural passion and outlet to express (hidden) feelings and release energy.  

Who are your musical inspirations?

Too many, from Pierre-Claver Akendengue to 2pac, Beethoven or Nas and Mr.Eazi.  

What do you hope to achieve in the next 5 years?

Being more sustainable.  

What’s your ultimate goal in the music industry?

Building bridges between cultures and people, with a focus on the African diaspora, the Black Nation across the globe. 

If you were to start over your music career, what would you do differently?

Nothing. I trust the process. 

Are there any social issues that you are passionate about? If so, would you like to share them?

The black plight in general, wherever on earth, and ways to thrive regardless, through unity (and unfuckwithability, excuse my french!).  

Have you ever dealt with performance anxiety? If so, how do you deal with it?

Not really as I was performing at talent shows in high school. But if ever that happens, deep breathing and drinking (water or ginger!) should be enough.  

Do you have any hobbies outside of music?

Tech mostly, and creative direction.  

What is your favourite and least favourite part about being an artist?

Freedom and freedom, with its drawbacks (the price to freedom?) and advantages. 


Which unique competitive qualities do you think you possess as an artist?

In my bio, it is written "the last-ditcher" among other things. It speaks for itself. Being bold as well, and optimistic (I did put the mystic in optimistic!).  

Is there any instrument you would like to learn and why?

The piano. I should practice way more as I own one. The next instrument will be the electric guitar, it's an instrument that just drives me crazy, some sounds can be transcendental.  

What is the story behind your artist’s name?

Borelson is a sort of anagram/mix of all my given names. I believe names have powers and I wanted to have an original artist name that embodies the power of all my given names. 

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music industry?

It reduced borders (#globalvillage) and has given more knowledge to artists, and more knowledge = more power (and more power requires more responsibility!). Artists can be more in control of their career, revenue included.

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Know who you are. Don't give up.  

If you were not an artist, what career would you choose?

Tech or psychotherapy (coupled with some energy work why not!) 


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